Hamburger menü
pölöske horgásztó
| BURGER KING® Hungary. Márka és védjegy 2022 BURGER KING® Corporation. Minden jog fenntartva.. 10+ Hamburger Menu Examples [CSS Only] - Alvaro Trigos Blog. 3. Left Sliding Responsive Hamburger Menu. If you are looking for a more complete example of how a CSS hamburger menu can be useful, this CodePen renders an example website to showcase the use of the CSS hamburger menu. It only uses pure HTML and CSS, so it is easy to learn from and understand what is happening.. BURGEREK | BURGER KING® Hungary. Marhából készült burgerek. Klasszikus WHOPPER® kis és nagy és extra változatai, szezonális termékek és egyéb burgerek.. Menü | Zing Burger. The Maddog Philly • 3090
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. marha hátszín • karamellizált hagyma • cheddar • zing burger szósz • uborka, • ropogósra sült hagyma.. Hamburger | BURGER KING® Hungary. Hagyományosan lenyűgöző. Ez egy igazi, hamisíthatatlan amerikai hamburger, hiszen a 100% tűzön grillezett marhahúsra csak ropogós uborkaszeleteket, lágy ketchupot és pikáns mustárt tettünk - az eredeti recept szerint.. Hamburger Menü - La Vera Pizza - Hatvan. 3090 Ft. Amerikai k.áposztasaláta, Bacon, Cheddar sajt, Csemege uborka, Hamburger szósz, Hasábburgonya, Húspogácsa, Kézműves zsömle, Paradicsom karika .. Így kell otthon hamburgert sütni | Street Kitchen. Így kell otthon hamburgert sütni. Fördős Zé 2015. 03. 15. Hogyan készül a tökéletes házi hamburger? Mi a titka egy valódi bucinak és hamburgerhúsnak? Mitől lesz csodaszép színe a savanyított hagymának? Milyen az ultimate hamburgerszósz? Megannyi kérdés, amelyekre a válasz a videóban érkezik.. Legjobb házi hamburger receptek | Hamburgert nemcsak a gyorséttermekben ehettek. Sőt, arra biztatunk, hogy készítsétek el házilag ezt a remek ételt. A legjobb hamburger recepteket válogattuk össze ehhez.. Hamburger menü | Hamburger menü témában cikket keresel? Jó helyen jársz: tippek, szakértői tanácsok, bevált főzési trükkök, bevált sütési technikák összegyűjtve!. A szaftos hamburgerhús 5 titka | A hamburger akkor a legjobb, ha a hús szaftos és omlós marad. A legideálisabb, ha a 20%-os zsírtartalmú marhahúst választunk, de ha ez - mondjuk a diétánk miatt - nekünk túlságosan zsíros, akkor megpróbálkozhatunk a 10%-os verzióval is. A legjobb burger marhából készül, de próbálkozhatunk sertéssel, vagy báránnyal is.. Hamburger menü - Hamburger menü - hamburger. Válassz egy lehetőséget Gastrom Classico Gastrom Mostrada Gastrom Piccante. Hamburger savanyúság. Válassz egy lehetőséget kovászos uborka vecsési csalamádé csemege uborka. Menü köret. Válassz egy lehetőséget Hasábburgonya Steak burgonya. Törlés.. Hamburger rendelés házhozszállítás Budapesten. Hamburger rendelés és házhozszállítás Budapest Üdvözöljük a weboldalán! Kóstolja meg a 100%-ban saját készítésű kézműves hamburgereinket!. Hamburger menü - Mr. Gusztó Gyorsétterem és Pizzéria. Hamburgerek. Hamburger egyedi kérések. Min 0, max 5 - ( 0 /5) Hagyma NÉLKÜL. Paradicsom NÉLKÜL. Uborka NÉLKÜL.. Hamburger menü - La Maffia Pizzéria. A személyes adatait a rendelések feldolgozásához és a weboldalon történő vásárlási élmény fenntartásához és más célokra használjuk, melyeket az Adatkezelési tájékoztató tartalmaz.. Az igazi hamburger, házi bucival | MédiaKlikk. Gazdagon kanalazunk a fűszeres majonézből még a tetejére is, végül jöhet a buci teteje. Azonnal fogyasztjuk, az igazán éheseknek adhatunk mellé még sültburgonyát, vagy burgonyachipset is. Hamburger buci: A cukrot, a langyos tejet és a száraz élesztőt összekeverjük. Ha elolvadt a tejben minden, hozzáadjuk a 3db tojást is.. Hamburger menü · Recept. Hamburger menü - Főzés, sütés, receptek . Főzés, sütés, táplálkozás kapcsán a receptmix magazin hasznos receptekkel, főzési praktikákkal segíti a finomabbnál finomabb és egészséges reggeli, ebéd, vacsora elkészítését.. Fincsi Grill & Pizza Kecskemét - ételrendelés - A Fincsi Grill & Pizza Kecskeméten színesíti a gasztronómiai életet változatos ételeivel. Kínálatában szerepel pizza, hamburger menü, gyros, grill étel, köret, bőségtál, tészta, desszert, üdítő és energiaital, valamint remek duó és trió akciókkal várják megrendelőiket.. XXL Hamburger & Gyros Fót - ételrendelés - Fóton található a XXL Hamburger & Gyros, melynek kínálatában megtalálhatóak hamburgerek, hamburger menük, gyrosok, tortillák, falafelek, melegszendvicsek, frissensültek, fitness ételek, köretek, öntetek, üdítők és sörök. Ha megtetszett valami az étlapról, rendeld meg online pár kattintással! 2151 Fót, Németh Kálmán .. 7 tuti hamburgerező Budapesten, amit kár lenne kihagynod. Baltazár Budapest. Nem egy klasszikus hamburgerező, de a Baltazár étteremben házilag darálják a húst, amiből mennyei burgereket (is) készítenek. Rendelhető különleges kéksajtos burger shiitake gombával, de a juharszirupos baconnel és érlelt cheddar sajttal készült baltazár burgert is érdemes megkóstolni.Akármennyiket is választod, egészen biztos, hogy nem fogsz csalódni.. 22 Best Hamburger Menu Examples for Mobile Apps and Websites - Mockplus. Following are the highly-recommended Bootstrap hamburger menu, and you can find the widely-used left Bootstrap hamburger menu below. 6. Bootstrap Navigation Menu Template. 7. Bootstrap Responsive Menu with Submenu. 8. Bootstrap Accordion Menu. 9. Bootstrap Nav Menu.. Hamburger menü weboldalak asztali nézetén. A hamburger menü előnyei, kialakítása asztali nézeten. A hamburger menü asztali nézeten is hasonlóan működik, mint mobilon. Az ikonra kattintva lenyílnak/megjelennek a menüpontok, melyek között lehet választani, kattintani. Hamburger menüt általában akkor ajánlott alkalmazni asztali nézeten, ha a menüpontok megjelenítése .. A Facebook megölte a hamburger menüt? | UX design ügynökség - Ergomania .. Számos alkalmazás használja: új Facebook, Dropbox, Twitter stb. Ezek alapján láthatjuk, hogy nem triviális, hogy melyiket választjuk és döntésünkben elég komoly szerepet kell, hogy kapjanak technikai kritériumok is. Elmondható azonban, ha nagy mennyiségű tartalmunk van, ahol akár komplexebb elnevezések is szerepelnek, akkor a .. Studio Editor Funktionsvorschlag: Mehrere Hamburger-Menüs verwenden, um .. Hinweis: Alle Informationen einschließlich geplanter Funktionen und zeitlicher Einschätzungen dienen nur der Information. Wix behält sich vor, jederzeit Änderungen oder Streichungen vorzunehmen.Die Informationen stellen keine Zusage, Verpflichtung oder Garantie hinsichtlich einer etwaigen zukünftigen Verfügbarkeit oder Umsetzung dar und sollten nicht für Kaufentscheidungen zurate .. Reviving the Classic American Burger | The New Yorker. Reviving the Classic American Burger. With a new restaurant, Hamburger America, the burger scholar George Motz engages with history rather than trends. By Helen Rosner. January 14, 2024. Hamburger .. How Orlando restaurant Build My Burgers went from debt to success - CNBC. That first year, Build My Burgers brought in $584,000 in revenue, according to documents reviewed by CNBC Make It. Last year, that number increased to $739,000, enabling Lalani to pay himself an .. Imádod a hamburgert? Így lesz tökéletes, ha otthon készíted!. Szükséges konyhai eszközök. A húspogácsát elvileg minden grillezésre alkalmas felületen megsütheted, így kerti és asztali grillen, bordázott grillserpenyőben, továbbá lávakövön, esetleg öntöttvas serpenyőben is. A teljesen egyforma hamburger készítéséhez konyhafelszerelési szaküzletben beszerezhetsz egy húspogácsa .. Wheres the beef? Iowa burger joint unveils Republican caucuses menu. Fri 12 Jan 2024 16.14 EST. A restaurant in Des Moines is gearing up for next weeks Iowa Republican caucuses one burger at a time. On Friday, Zombie Burger unveiled its 2024 Iowa caucus specials .. Hamburger Menu SVG Vectors and Icons - SVG Repo. 0.3294198513031 sec · granulity: per_all_full_tags. Free transparent Hamburger Menu vectors and icons in SVG format. Free download Hamburger Menu SVG Icons for logos, websites and mobile apps, useable in Sketch or Figma. Browse SVG vectors about Hamburger Menu term.. button - What is the hamburger menu icon called and the three vertical .. Google and some other developers have introduced us to what some have called the hamburger menu button and now the 3 vertical dots button or vertical ellipsis. What is the official name of these b.. Burger King Menu and Prices - Menu With Price. Entire Burger King menu and prices. Dont miss delicious hamburgers French fries, soft drinks, milkshakes and desserts there. Find flavors you like.. Aufzeichnen und Verwalten von Makros mit dem Makro-Manager auf .
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. Wie kann ich ein Tastenkürzel für ein Makro erstellen? Um einen Shortcut für ein Makro zu erstellen, klickst du auf das leere Textfeld in der Spalte Tastenkürzel neben deinem gewünschten Makro und drückst die gewünschte Tastenkombination auf deiner Tastatur.. Lets build a responsive navbar and hamburger menu . - DEV Community. What this media query does is, hides our nav-menu by setting position: fixed; left: -100%; on it. Also, we set our hamburger to display: block; so its visible now. We have also added an extra class that is which sets left: 0; on the nav-menu. Now we will have to add the javascript which will add this active class on the nav .. Menu - Five Guys. Five Guys passion for food is shared with our fans, which is why we never compromise. Fresh ingredients hand-prepared that satisfy your craving.. Menu - In-N-Out Burger. Beverages. Refreshing selections include Coca-Cola®, Diet Coke®, Cherry Coke®, 7UP®, Dr. Pepper®, Root Beer, Signature Pink Lemonade, Lite Pink Lemonade, Iced .. McDonalds Nutrition Calculator: Calories and More | McDonalds. Nutrition Calculator. Find McDonalds calories, carb and nutrition info rmation on your favorite products using the nutrition calculator. 0 Calories (0 % DV ) 0 Total Fat (0 % DV ) 0 Total Carbs (0 % DV ) 0 Protein (0 % DV ) * Percent Daily Values (DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
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. $1 $2 $3 Dollar Menu Items | McDonalds. Burgers. Chicken & Fish Sandwiches. McNuggets® and Meals. Fries® & Sides. Happy Meal®. McCafé® Coffees. Sweets & Treats. Beverages. $1 $2 $3 Dollar Menu*.. Jack in the Box. Craving a juicy burger? Jack in the Box has you covered with a wide range of burgers to suit your taste buds. Whether you want a classic cheeseburger, a bacon lovers dream, or a spicy kick, youll find it at Jack in the Box. Plus, you can order online and get it delivered or pick it up at a location near you. Dont miss out on the best burgers in town, visit Jack in the Box today.. Hamburger Menu Icons (Three Line Menu Icon / Navicon) Different Ways. A universal symbol for "menu" has been on a lot of peoples minds lately. ("Navicon", get it?!). Jordan Moore wrote up a big article on it for Smashing Magazine. Jeremy Keith wrote about it.Stuart Robson wrote about it.Tim Kadlec wrote about it. If you want to read more about the thinking behind this stuff and see examples, read those.. BURGER KING MENÜ VE FİYAT LİSTESİ | Ne Kadara Yenir?. Big King XXL Menü 235,00 TL. Double Cheesburger Menü 150,00 TL. Mega Double Cheesburger Menü 230,00 TL. Etli Barbekü Brioche Menü 175,00 TL. Rodeo Whopper Menü 175,00 TL. BK Steakhouse Burger Menü 195,00 TL. Texas Smokhouse Burger Menü 205,00 TL. Favburger Menü 130 TL
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. Double Texas Smokehouse Burger Menü 245,00 TL.. The designers guide to hamburger menus (& best alternatives). Its actually been around for decades. The hamburger menu was created by interaction designer Norm Cox as an interface element for a range of personal computers designed by Xerox, way back in 1981. These are the same computers that famously inspired Steve Jobs to integrate GUIs and a mouse into the Macintosh computer.. How to Add a Hamburger Icon Toggle to Divis Menu Module on Desktop. Add CSS ID to Menu Module. In the next part of the tutorial, well focus on creating the desktop hamburger icon toggle icon. First, open the Menu Modules settings, go to the advanced tab and assign a CSS ID. CSS ID: divi-menu.. Easy hamburger menu with JS - Beginners - DEV Community. A hamburger menu is a classic UI feature present in countless websites. Its used to show and hide a. Tagged with javascript, codenewbie, css, tutorial.. 23 Bootstrap Hamburger Menu Examples (Free) 2023 - Colorlib. Website Menu V05 is our own take on hamburger menus based on the popular Bootstrap framework. It is a trendy solution that features an icon in the top right corner, sliding in the navigation from the right. The amazing performance stays intact due to the fluid layout, whether viewed on desktop or mobile.. 15 genius CSS Hamburger Menus (+ animations) - Some are programmed with pure CSS without JavaScript and some with CSS and JavaScript - there is something for everyone. A menu of mostly 2-3 layers has established itself - just like a hamburger (bun, patty, bun), which reveals all menu items in an overlay by a click. Individual strokes can be rotated to an X, disappear or whiz around wildly.. Bootstrap 4 Hamburger menu - examples & tutorial.. Go to docs v.5. By clicking on this control, you activate some information or navigation that is hidden by default for UX purposes. This usually means activating a SideNav, but might also roll down a Navbar menu. Examples of Bootstrap hamburger menu use include: SideNav activation. Navbar menu. This is illustrated by the following Bootstrap .. Burgers - Hamburger, Cheeseburger | McDonalds UK
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. Bacon Mayo Chicken. Mayo Chicken. Bacon Double Cheeseburger. Double Cheeseburger. Cheeseburger. Hamburger. Explore the full McDonalds Breakfast Menu includes all your morning favorites
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. From our Egg & Cheese McMuffin® breakfast sandwich to Hash Brown, youll find everything you love! Explore McDonalds Breakfast Hours at a location near .. Tıkla Gelsin® ile Lezzet Kapında!. Burger King, Arbys, Popeyes ve Sbarronun adresi Tıkla Gelsindeki ilk sipariş indirimini kaçırma! Sen de lezzet ayağına gelsin istiyorsan, Tıkla Gelsin!
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. Hamburgers by Jonathan Suh. Hamburgers is available via npm, yarn and Bower. npm install hamburgers yarn get hamburgers bower install css-hamburgers. Also available as a Ruby gem to use within your Rails application—see below for more information. Or to manually install it, download and unzip the source code from Github. Then copy the files from the _sass/hamburgers .. Moderne Navigationsleiste mit Hamburger Menü in Excel erstellen. Moderne Navigationsleiste mit Hamburger Menü in Excel erstellenKostenloser VBA-Einstiegskurs: New Orleans Restaurants | New Orleans Hamburger & Seafood Co. New Orleans Hamburger and Seafood has nine restaurant locations in New Orleans and surrounding areas. Were fast, casual, and were doing it right!. Culvers Menu | Butter Burger, Frozen Custard, Curds & More. Menu (PDF) Find a delicious butter burger, creamy frozen custard and more at your local Culvers restaurant- browse our full menu and get to your nearest location now.. How To Create a Responsive Top Navigation Menu - W3Schools. Show the link that contains should open and close the topnav (.icon) */. /* The "responsive" class is added to the topnav with JavaScript when the user clicks on the icon. This class makes the topnav look good on small screens (display the links vertically instead of horizontally) */.. Burger King® | Tıkla Gelsin®. Birbirinden lezzetli Burger King® ürünleri bu linkte! Burger King® kampanyaları ve Burger King® indirimli ürünleri, Tıkla Gelsin® özel teklifleriyle bir tık uzağında!. How To Create a Collapsed Sidebar - W3Schools. Learn how to create a collapsed sidebar that can be toggled with a button. This tutorial shows you how to use HTML, CSS and JavaScript to achieve this effect. You can also find examples of how to create a side navigation menu and other useful web design tips on W3Schools.. Implement a Fly Out Menu in Power Apps. The easiest of implementing hamburger menu is to group the below Fly out Menu controls (4 Buttons + 1 Rectangle container) and assign the ShowFlyOutMenu Boolean variable to the visible property of the group. This will show and hide the complete menu based on the hamburger menu click giving a toggle effect. However, it wont give the fly out .. Wendys® | Home of Fresh, Never Frozen Beef Since 1969. Ingredients. Lets find something that checks all your boxes. View Menu. Nutrition and Allergen Info in Wendys app on phone. Fresh beef available in the contiguous U.S., Alaska and Canada. Order drive-thru or delivery for food thats served fresh-made - like our homepage ;) See Wendys latest deals, featured menu items & more. We Got You®.. Burger King Menu Prices & Calories (Updated January 2024) - Fast Food Price. Scroll below to view the latest Burger King menu prices and burger king nutrition. Burger King menu includes their famous flame-grilled Whopper along with other notable items, including the Impossible Whopper, ChKing Chicken Sandwich, Burger King Breakfast, King Jr. Meal, and much more!. Family Friendly Burger Restaurant | Red Robin. Help us make wishes come true! Every kids meal helps create hope. Red Robin will donate 10 cents to Make-A-Wish ® for every Kids Meal purchased. Join us as we partner with Make-A-Wish in their mission to create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses.
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. W3.CSS Sidebar - W3Schools. W3.CSS Sidebar - W3Schools W3.CSS Sidebar is a tutorial that shows you how to use W3.CSS to create stylish and responsive sidebars for your web pages. You will learn how to customize the sidebars color, size, position, and content. You will also see how to use W3.CSS classes and media queries to make the sidebar adapt to different screen sizes and devices. Whether you want a fixed .. Menu - Order Ahead Online | Arbys. Arbys now offers online ordering for our full menu of signature roast beef sandwiches, Market Fresh® options, and more.. Navbar · Bootstrap v5.0. Navbars come with built-in support for a handful of sub-components. Choose from the following as needed: .navbar-brand for your company, product, or project name. .navbar-nav for a full-height and lightweight navigation (including support for dropdowns). .navbar-toggler for use with our collapse plugin and other navigation toggling behaviors.. Hamburger Steak Recipe : Taste of Southern. Add the sliced onions into the warm skillet and grease. …. Saute the onions for several minutes, stirring often, until they start to become a bit translucent. …. Return the steak to the skillet, placing it right on top of the onions. …. Pour the broth over the steak and onions.. Dairy Queen® Full Menu - Burgers, Blizzard Treats, Cakes & More!. Wheat. Soy. Egg. Peanut. Fish. Treenuts. Please note: DQ locations contain allergens that may come into contact with your food. Since allergens are present in every DQ location and cross-contact can easily occur, we cannot guarantee any item to be allergen free or the accuracy of the data as it relates to prepared menu items at a location. Apply.. Menu symbol ≣ ☰ ㊂ ≡ Ξ ∷ ⋮. Copy and paste menu symbols sign ≣ ☰ ㊂ ≡ Ξ ∷ ⁝ ⋮ ︙ ⦙ ⁞ ⋯ … ⌄ ⌃ ﹀ ︿ ︾ ︽ ⌵ ⸬ 𓏬 𓏧 𓃑 in just one click. Click on a menu icon to copy it to the clipboard & insert it to an input element. Please also check out our text symbols chrome extension to help users easily copy and paste text symbols, which .. Arbys Menu & Prices (Jan 2024) - Fast Food Menu Prices. It is known for its roast beef and beef n cheddar sandwiches, deli-style sandwiches, curly fries, and Jamocha shakes. Due to the freshness of its food, Arbys menu prices are slightly more than the average fast-food price. Its prices are similar to Wendys restaurant, which owns 18.5% of Arbys. Arbys food is slightly unusual in .. Display a menu bar in a .NET MAUI desktop app - .NET MAUI. MenuBarItem objects can be added to the MenuBarItems collection, of type IList<MenuBarItem>, on a ContentPage. NET MAUI desktop apps will display a menu bar, containing menu items, when they are added to any ContentPage thats hosted in a NavigationPage or a Shell app. The following example shows a ContentPage that defines menu bar items: XAML.. PDF Nutrition APRIL 2020 - BURGER KING®. 2 Nutrition Facts ) s s m at ) ated at) ) ) ) ) ))) Garden Chicken Salad with Crispy Chicken - no dressing 287 440 220 25 7 0 75 930 31 3 4 25 Club Salad with Crispy Chicken - no dressing 308 540 300 33 10 0 95 1380 31 3 5 31 Garden Side Salad - w/o dressing 99 60 35 42.5 0 10 95 3 1 2. So überprüfst und aktualisierst du das BlueStacks 5 Benutzerdatenformat. 1. Starte BlueStacks 5 und klicke im Hamburger-Menü auf "Einstellungen", wie unten dargestellt
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. 2. Wähle im Menü "Einstellungen" die Registerkarte "Benutzerdaten". 3. Wenn du noch ein älteres Datenformat für BlueStacks 5 verwendest, siehst du die Option "Datenträgerformat prüfen". Klicke auf "Format prüfen", um dein Datenformat zu .. Carls Jr. | Carls Jr.. Carls Jr. is more than 1,100 restaurants strong, all across the U.S. Explore opportunities to join our network of franchisees and become a part of the Carls Jr. family. Learn More.. Easy Copycat Cracker Barrel Hamburger Steak Recipe - CopyKat Recipes. Form the meat mixture into 4 equally sized round, flat patties. Heat a cast-iron skillet to medium-high heat. Place the hamburger steaks in the hot skillet, being careful not to crowd the steaks too much. Cook for 3 to 4 minutes. Flip the steaks over, and cook for 3 to 4 minutes on the other side.. Restaurant Menu - Order Online for Lunch & Dinner | Chilis. Party Platters. Download Fact Sheets Allergen/Vegetarian, Nutrition, Gluten-Friendly Menu. Back To Top. Find everything from our world famous Baby Back Ribs or chili to our hand crafted sandwiches, enchiladas, and quesadillas at a Chilis restaurant nearby.. 65 Easy Ground Beef Recipes - Dinner Ideas With Ground Beef. Blue Cheese, Bacon, and Balsamic Onion Burger. Steve Giralt. This loaded burger calls for ground sirloin, but you can definitely swap in ground beef. Pile it high with melty cheese and crispy .. McDonalds Menu and Prices - Menu With Price. McDonalds menu and latest prices. Taste burgers, chicken, chicken sandwiches, French fries, soft drinks, breakfast, wraps and salads.
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. 3 Steps Simple Responsive Hamburger Menu In Pure CSS - Code Boxx. QUICK NOTES If you spot a bug, feel free to comment below. I try to answer short questions too, but it is one person versus the entire world… If you need answers urgently, please check out my list of websites to get help with programming. EXAMPLE CODE DOWNLOAD. Menu - Wayback Burgers. Wayback Burgers Menu {term_name} {term_description} {term_name} Nutritional {post_content} Order this menu item online {post_title} {acf_calories} Cal Order this menu item online. Menu | Carls Jr.. BBQ Hand-Breaded Chicken Tender Wrap Combo. 780-1580 cals. 25 Easy Hamburger Meat Recipes (Best Ground Beef Recipes). With just four main ingredients (hamburger meat, onions, potatoes, and cheese) and a few additional seasonings, This recipe is one of the most affordable and simple hamburger dinner ideas out there and one that is best served with a couple of slices of fresh bread to mop up the juices. 4. Steak and Mushroom Gravy..